Searching for Answers at Mayo Clinic, Rochester

Our life adventure brought us to the #1 hospital in the world!! – Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Hopefully, you never have to visit a place like this but if circumstances demand it, this is where you want to be.

It’s the best hospital in the world, although… it’s more like a small city and medical campus than a hospital, where trained medical professionals and elite specialists outnumber the patients 2/1.

I am sitting here with Becky in awe of the orchestration for every single process that is required to provide their standard for medical care related to complex cases!

For some who experience medical issues in their lives, it can seem like the endless tests and scans to troubleshoot and diagnose your symptoms can often take months and years. Here, they aim to do the same in 7-14 days, lol!

On average, it can take some time to get an appointment for Complex Care cases (cases that require multiple specialties and specialists). After all, it’s the best hospital in the world and they have no shortage of deserving patient candidates. To that point, we were shocked when Becky was scheduled an appointment within a week of the request!

Once they accept your case, they acquire all of your medical history from every doctor and clinic you’ve ever visited in only a couple days. Your case is then discussed with a team of various specialists to discuss a playbook for your visit. A coordinator springs into action to schedule your itinerary with the intent that every minute of your time is attributed to the discovery, testing, scanning, diagnosis and possible treatment for your condition.

In addition to treating individuals, they do not stop learning, reflecting, testing and researching to improve their ability to solve the infinite complexity of the human condition. Their accolades come from improving the quality of their patient’s lives (and ridiculously large paychecks😁)! – but, why not… they deserve to get paid for being the best!

Ironically, we were able to have lunch with a close friend of Becky’s father when we first arrived. He visits the Clinic once a month for a double lung transplant performed nearly 10 years ago. His case is a statistical anomaly that is not uncommon to the results at the Mayo Clinic. In fact, we have since talked to patients who had a heart, liver and kidney transplant and are doing great!

The Mayo Clinic vision seems so intuitive, simple and obvious when you watch it executed so seamlessly. It really is a model for medical care.

We’ll share more about Becky’s case once we get some answers!

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